New year resolution about WOman
I believe, New year, new start — resolutions help us look forward, not backward. For many people like me Every year has passed without a new ME, who equated happiness and success in all corners of life.
We all have ideas, thoughts, dreams that sit in the back of our heads, floating around, nagging at us, which we can’t admit to. Perhaps that’s because we fear everyone will laugh, or that if we dare to say it out loud then we’ll be held to it. In an ideal world, we’d all be improving ourselves, little by little, all the time. But we don’t live in a perfect world and sometimes we all need a bit of a boost to get going. This year, I suggest a different approach. Instead of trying to match society’s standards of femininity, beauty or success, start with the premise that you are enough.
This article may show me as piece of shit or a bloody fucking Feminist, unfortunately its what I am, who like, love, admire, respect, care and live for woman, with woman. Only reason is ,all I am here is because of a Woman. It can be of any form or name like my Mother, sister, girlfriends, wife, friends, family members etc. Women like to be treated in a certain way; they want to be treated with respect. A lot of men, in this culture are taught by movies and even friends to treat women like they are objects. This, however, is very wrong. Women are people just like us.
A real man knows how to respect a woman, because he knows the feeling if someone would disrespect his mother. Every woman is a mother, teacher, sister, friend or a wife. She plays a role of a mult itasker at every step of her life. Can it be love and care, warrior or protector of her children, family or a husband. God could not place himself everywhere, so he made WOman. Its reason why we treat WOMAN as first citizen of any civilization. That is why when we address a gathering, we always say ”Ladies and Gentlemen” or “Sisters and Brothers” or “Bahano Aur Bhaion”
It is important to respect WOMAN because she has the power to take a civilization to tremendous heights or bring utter destruction and nihillation — by the quality of children she bears, by the quality of her motherhood, by her role in society.
Don’t be an asshole. Do not be an asshole, which will improve not only your life, but the lives of everyone around you. Don’t see all woman as sex toys. Don’t think Men are better than woman. Don’t make fun of them in public or privately. Have manners when out in public. In private can be a different story. Healthy fun is accepted. Don’t critique woman , most importantly — learn how to apologize if you’ve been an asshole.
Don´t look for body parts during conversation. When you speak to someone, you make eye contact with them. Do not look at their body parts to look if their boobs are big, butt is well shaped and how their thighs look like. By making eye contact with her, you show her that you respect her. This doesn’t mean that you should stare unblinkingly into her eyes. You can allow your gaze to shift about, but try to stay focused on her eyes as much as possible.
Stop trying to conquer body, try to win Heart of a woman: This rule applies to everyone: there are no exceptions to who does. If you running hard to conquer body of woman, after getting that you can never respect her and love her. We as, society often seems disconnected from the concept of consent. Most people understand that if consent is not given, then you should not touch, or continue to touch, a girl.
Don´t look for Sexual bribes: Its really disheartening hear that Teachers, so called second parents and Educational institutes which are considered as Second homes are turning into crime areas where students are tortured physically. Starting from Schools, colleges, training centers, private offices, government offices, hospitals, temples and even in mortuaries Men are sexually harassing woman.
Avoid generalizing all girls. Each girl is different and has different needs than other girls. It can often be insulting to a girl to assume that she likes certain things just because she’s a girl. This implies that all girls are basically the same, which is not true. You have to understand that every girl has her own unique personality before you will be able to respect her needs and opinions. IF a girls does a mistake, cheats a person it does mean every girl is same.
Never see woman as a Sex Toy. Everyday we see lot of crimes towards words woman. From months kid to aged old ladies, none are spared by MALE Sex Predators. Its a shame on humanity. Woman are not born to participate in sex and they are not sex toys. If you see them like that, someone may do same to your, Mother, Daughter, Sister and Wife.
Respect Her: A woman should always be treated with respect. Under no circumstances should arguments escalate to a point where you’re attacking and bringing her down. These acts of disrespect lack respect and can easily turn into emotional and physical abuse. No matter where an argument takes you, you should practice self-control and openly communicate what’s bothering you. Give her the same respect you’d want in the relationship. If you’re doing anything that compromises that, there’s a problem.
When she Smiles & Talks it doesn't mean shes a Prostitute: Many men in work places have a bad impression. When any female colleagues is friendly or if they ask for any assistance, Men starts to see them as a SEX meal. Its totally wrong impression. There may be 1 out 10000 woman, who are innocent to be wrong, but it doesn´t mean all woman does friendship or ask for help to have SEX or personal benefits.
Recognize her opinion as equal to yours. If you are debating with facts and figures then those things speak for themselves. When it comes to matters of personal opinion, you absolutely must acknowledge that a girl’s opinion is as valid as your own. The fact that she is a girl does not make her any less intelligent or able to form a coherent opinion. You are allowed to disagree with her, but you also have to respect her point of view.
Never Hurt a Woman: Irrespective of the situation, never hurt a Woman. Try to hold your emotion during a bad or heated discussions. Dont think as a Man you have right to beat her or abuse her. There is never an excuse for a man hitting a woman.
Don´t cheat Woman in the name of relationship: Now cheating became so common everywhere. But cheating a woman may leave her life clueless. I am not saying its only men does that, even many WOman do it, but again lets not do it to woman. If you do not want a person or if you know its not going to work, simply leave them. Do not cheat for the sake of money, physical desires, position, assets and for your time-pass.
Respect her ideas, interest and passion: It can be your daughter, sister, wife, friend, colleague or a stranger please respect their her ideas, interest and passion. Never take them for granted. Respect their work and profession. Allow them to grow in their sectors.
Allow her to speak. Listen to what she has to say and avoid dominating the conversation. Never make fun of what woman speaks or how she speaks. When she is saying something, wait until she finishes speaking to respond. If you are truly listening, your response will be relevant to what she has said and add substance to the conversation.
Give her own space. Sometimes, a girl might not want your attention. In these cases, you should respect her wishes and leave her alone. If she tells you that she would rather be left alone, it is disrespectful to continue to talk to her, compliment her, or otherwise pursue her attention. If a girl indicates that she wants to be left alone, then you can just say something like, “Sorry. I’ll leave,” or “Okay, have a good day,” and then leave.
Protect them and Fight for them: Whenever Woman is in need or trouble stand-up and fight for them. Do not let the woman to face the hurdles, pain and at last after shes dead do not lit a candle and do a march. DO not think its not your job, as shes no way related to you. We all are humans, its everyone job to protect and fight for WOman rights.
Teach your Son, friends, brothers & colleagues to respect Woman: Its very simple, If you respect woman, your next generation will learn from you. The roots of sexual harassment and violence against women include learned disrespect of women. This starts early when boys are socialized to be aggressive and disrespectful, by watching such behaviors modeled by media.
About list is just few, If you really wanna respect woman, you can do that in every-step of your life and in any form. One last thing, if you want to become better MAN, respect WOMAN.
I may not be good and perfect but I’m a better person than I was before and getting better all the time. I truly believe you can still be a Man who have respect for women. You can still acknowledge the beauty of a woman who walks by you on the street without being a creep. You can still engage in “locker room talk” without degrading women. Mistakes will be made and that’s ok. Learning to apologize and mean it sincerely is powerful. You’re no less of a man because you say “I’m sorry”.
Now that it’s clear that our society has a lot of work to do to eradicate harassment of all kinds towards women, lets stand-up together and save our Woman. I’m willing to help turn other guys out there into better, more respectful, and successful men. I’m willing to share what I’ve learned and contribute to this movement “Respect Woman”